Gala Darling, Making Feeling Good a Full Time Job




This week on Chakra Girl Radio I am crazy excited to be joined by the super sexy, modern mystic, author, speaker, teacher and so much more – Gala Darling! She is teaching women to love themselves, be more confident and make more exciting choices through the law of attraction. She wants us all to make feeling good our #1 priority - and she’s here to tell us how! 

We’re sharing with you:

+ How to change your life with tapping

+ Moving past your fears

+ The power of making aligned choices

+ Making your orgasms spiritual AF and tapping into their manifesting power

This episode is brought to you by:

The Chakra Girl Meditation Bundle. I created this series of meditations for you to tap into your chakra energy with me every day, because as you know, when you activate your chakras you can manifest anything! 

My Chakra Update:

I am officially home from Pareee and London! I am so frickin’ happy to be home and also so grateful that I had such a fab trip! You can check out my full LA recap here on the blog. I’m sharing the best things to do, places to eat and EVERYTHING I wore! I’m basically the best tour guide you could ask for. And don’t worry – I’ve linked all of my looks so you can go treat yo’self with a chic new outfit (or two or three)!

Ok guys so there’s a new moon in Virgo and we’re going into a new season. I’m feeling all the feels and wanting to do all the de-cluttering and only move forward with things that serve me. I’m purging clothes, saying no to things and re-juujing my calendar and it feels DAMN good!

I want to help you guys with this too so I’m going to create a High Vibe Menu for you! Basically a go-to list of feel better tricks, so keep your eyes on the blog for that and check into the Chakra Girl Radio podcast episode with Lauryn, founder of The Skinny Confidential, to hear more about this! Also, I’m all about helping you guys live your best life so if you’re not a part of my Facebook Group yet, you need to be! Don’t forget, you can also always DM me on Insta @chakragirlco to share your high vibes ti

Chakra tip of the day:

Elite Shungite baths you guys. You have to check out this episode with Heather Askinoise from Energy Muse to hear more about why I had to add this to my daily ritual ASAP. Basically, an Elite Shungite stone, also known as the Stone of Fruition, brings forth major blessings and positive results! Who would say no to that?!

Chakra Shout Out:  

Luna + Quartz is just blowing my mind! I got their Sage Spray because I wasn’t about inhaling smoke every single day but obviously still need that cleansing power in my life. They also have a Citrine Soap which smells AMAZING, a De-Stress Lotion a roller called Focus Pocus and I swear it makes me feel more focused and helps me get shit done!

Things we talked about:

Here are the links to these magical, game-changing products and resources Gala Darling and I talked about on this episode!

Connect with Gala