Step Fiercely Into Your Feminine Power with Estelle Polevoy


Step Fiercely Into Your Feminine Power with Estelle Polevoy, Founder of Fierce Female Co.

Estelle began Fierce Femme Co while enrolled in Chakra Girl Business School and has grow in to a thriving business and community focused on elevating female potential, power, and purpose. She is a female empowerment coach who helps women to fiercely reinvent themselves, step into their higher self, heal their old programming and unapologetically claim their purpose in the world. She is also the host of Fierce Female Radio Podcast.


Tell us your story and how life led you to doing what you are doing and being an expert in this field? 

I have always been a deep soul - pretty sure I was counselling my mum about my parents break-up when I was 11. I had visions of me on stage, empowering women and living a really expansive and purposeful life. As I grew up and life rolled on by I kinda lost this vision. I got caught up with the “should’s” “supposed to’s” and all that other BS that I forgot about my passions, what lit me up and what I was truly called to do in this world.

I was stuck in the corporate world, doing work that was okay. But, I was always changing jobs. I knew I was searching for something that could not be found within that industry. I was searching for a feeling. A feeling of fulfillment, joy, legacy, service and empowerment. And I wasn’t going to find it in my HR career that was for sure. I wanted to live a big and bold life, not be stuck in my cubicle having to answer to my boss.

I started to realize that I had lost that spark within me and so I went on a deep journey of self-discovery,  on a mission to rebuild myself, connect with my higher self and understand my purpose in life. And through my pain I reconnected with my deep passion for self-development, healing and female empowerment.  As I started to heal myself I began to fill the void inside me. 

 I changed the direction of my life. I reinvented myself. I started doing what lit me up - leading from a place of love not fear. I signed up for a life coaching certification, did so much inner work, saw healers, signed up with coaches. I did all the things. 

 Getting out of my masculine energy and into my feminine energy was a game changer for me. I started focusing on flow and less hustle. I started doing yoga, learning, growing, helping, healing, meditating, reading, having fun (wahhhtttt!) and taking bold action on my desires.

And through my own healing and empowerment I developed the Fierce Reinvention Method - which is what I use with my clients to support them in releasing old patterns, feelings of unworthiness and stepping into their higher purpose and taking massive action towards their dreams and desires!

When I started putting my purpose and dreams above what other people’s expectations were of me I started to see that it wasn’t selfish at all - it was necessary for me to be a better version of myself and inspire people to do the same.


What are the core pillars of the transformation you provide for people? 

  1. Clarity & Vision mapping

  2. Healing & reprogramming old stories, beliefs, patterns and programs

  3. Activating your inner queen energy 

  4. Balancing your macsculine & feminine energy 

  5. Purpose alignment

  6. Taking bold action 


What's the biggest lesson you have learned on your business journey? 

Learning to balance the action, doing and strategy with the mindset, energetic work and self-care. You need a balance of that masculine and feminine energy and I think for a while I was in the masculine space, constantly doing, and getting very frustrated and not being able to see opportunities and getting stuck in the 3d reality.

You need both. Doing the strategy and action can get you results you want, but you may feel misaligned, burned-out and not actually enjoying what you're doing. But ensuring that you also do the inner work and play in your feminine energy of receiving, flow and ease you are allowing initiative downloads to be presented to you, you get to lead with bliss, uncover that is blocking you and in this space manifest a hell of a lot quicker.

Also another piece of advice is - there is no-one else out there like you. No one that has your story, who has gone through that you have, who sees the world through your lens. That is beautiful and special. And so you need to truly honour that!


What is one tip we can all do today to see the benefits you provide for your clients? 

We live in a world where we are afraid to sit with ourselves, with our thoughts, our energy and emotions. Sitting with ourselves brings to light a sense of awareness, good or bad - it doesn’t matter. The emotions you are experiencing are your clues and insights leading you to a path of transformation. But we cannot get to where we want to go unless we know where we are at. So I invite you to get grounded - maybe for you that’s doing a breathwork exercise, planting your feet on the earth, having a warm shower - ground your energy and then grab a journal and just write down whatever is coming up for you - good, bad, ugly, random thoughts and ideas - it doesn’t matter. This process is about peeling back the layers and unpacking the deeper expression your soul is trying to bring to the surface.

Sit with yourself. Whilst it sounds simple, it ain’t easy.


Tell us your favorite rituals!

This is always changing for me, but at the moment I am really into slow morning rituals, rituals that feel flowy and juicy, not like a to-do list. So at the moment the first thing I do when I wake up is feel into 3 experiences I am grateful for and I will try to keep them as recent as possible. I noticed the shift to experiences kept these gratitude practices fresh as opposed to just reciting how grateful I am for my husband, my dog etc etc yada yada.Then I will do a hypnosis whilst holding onto my new Pink Tourmaline crystal that I am really vibing at the moment, for all those heart chakra activation vibes.

Then I fill a tall glass of water with chlorophyll, sip on it slowly whilst doing some subconscious reprogramming journal prompts. Then I like to make myself a coffee at home, get back into bed and cuddle my hubby and pouch!


What have been the biggest shifts that you have seen in your life or your business from doing the work from CGBS? 

1) taking a stand in my business, honouring my gifts and taking consistent action on my business. This has led me to create, build and grow the business and help your women elevate along the way

2) trusting my intuition and balancing my masculine energy 

3) the tools to manifest deep heart centered desires like my dream house and baby

4) releasing deep unworthiness blocks and healing childhood wounds 

Share your business wins!

  1. Tripling my income in my biz the year I joined CGBS.

  2. Manifesting my dream home and baby.