Reclaim Your Vibrant Energy With Bridget Botelho


Reclaim Your Vibrant Energy With Bridget Botelho, Founder of Immune Intuition

Bridget, an integrative health coach and Chakra Girl Business School Alumni, helps women with autoimmune and chronic symptoms reclaim their vibrant energy and power. Using functional nutrition, mindset work, and self-love practices, she empowers autoimmune babes to release fear over their diagnosis to create their most abundantly healthy lives. 

We interviews Bridget and hope you find her as inspiring as we do!


 Tell us your story and how life led you to doing what you are doing and being an expert in this field? 

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 18 and have been through exactly what my clients experience. For more than 13 years, I’ve lived through the ups and downs of living with autoimmunity. And for more than a decade, I dealt with my condition the only way I know how: denial! After years of living my life with the uncertainty of the future, surprise relapses, endless fatigue, and the frustrations of navigating the medical system, I continued to feel powerless when it came to my own health. 

Then a few years ago, after a year of what seemed like never-ending symptoms, I decided that I had to reclaim my wellness and find a lifestyle that would help my body naturally care for itself. I hired my own holistic nutritionist, dove into functional medicine books, listened to every podcast I could find, and transformed my lifestyle to better support my body, mind, and spirit. 

And in just a few short months, my lingering symptoms had disappeared. I felt energized and more vibrant than I had felt since before I was diagnosed. I felt a new sense of freedom and empowerment not only over my health, but in every other area of my life. I began to trust my body and view my autoimmune condition as a strength and not a weakness because it led me to this amazing life. 

I’m still on my own personal health journey, but I’ve grown increasingly passionate about helping other women with MS and similar autoimmune conditions, and became certified as an integrative health practitioner, and more recently a certified Reiki practitioner. 


What are the core pillars of the transformation you provide for the women you work with? 

  1. Nourishing your body: Using functional nutrition to design a custom anti-inflammatory diet that reduces your symptoms and is specific to your body’s needs.

  2. Restoring and protecting your energy: Exploring how you drain and fuel your energy to create daily schedules and rituals that help you de-stress, put your health first, and align your health goals throughout every area of your life.

  3. Releasing fear and cultivating abundance: Learning how to stop fear and negative self-talk in its tracks, and shift to a health mindset that is rooted in self-love and connection with your body.

  4. Rewriting your health story: As your transformation takes place, we say goodbye to the old story you tell yourself about your health, and create a new one in which you feel empowered and excited about your healing journey.


What's the biggest lesson you have learned on your business journey? 

You have the power to be both your best ally and worst enemy. Every day, you can choose whether to live your life as your most abundant and high-vision self, or fall victim to fear, worry, and comparison. It can be easier said than done, but continuously recommitting to being your biggest fan and ally is not only going to help you manifest more success and fulfillment, but it’s also going to make the process so much more fun and enjoyable.


What is one tip we can all do today to see the benefits you provide for your clients? 

Pick one habit that helps you live your best healthy life and commit to it every day for at least 21 days. Start small and focus on something that will help you feel empowered. This can be as easy as meditating 5-10 minutes a day, going for a walk outside every morning, or committing to staying hydrated throughout your day. It’s not about how big or small the habit is—consistency is key! 

And whatever it is, have fun with it and CELEBRATE this progress—this will lead to a powerful ripple effect of new healthy habits.


What is your favorite ritual? 

A restorative bath ritual with Epsom salts, fancy candles, or whatever I want to create a relaxing and blissful mood. I mix this with my favorite book, meditation, or soothing binaural beats. This not only helps reduce stress and clear and restore your energy, but it is also a game-changer for anyone who experiences chronic pain and/or fatigue.


What have been the biggest shifts that you have seen in your life or your business from doing the work from CGBS? 

1) building a heart-centered community on social media 

2) Building the confidence and seeing myself transform into someone who can support her community in powerful and helpful ways 

3) Booking 2 rounds of clients just a couple months after finishing the program, and building the foundation to take my business to the next level. 

4) embodying my biggest CEO goddess vision


Share your business wins!

By the end of 2020 (after finishing CGBS in late Summer), I more made double what I had originally invested in client revenue. I’ve also been to make enough money to invest in the next level of my biz, which I’m currently working on.


Anything else you want to share with the Chakra Girl Community? 

Investing in myself and my business has been the most transformative and powerful experience of my life. I’ll always look back on taking this leap with such joy and pride. If you’re feeling stuck in your business or in your life, align yourself with those who help you build that transformative energy, and hire coaches and experts who can help supercharge your journey. You won’t regret it!